The name is absent

name] were to know these things, that Mrs [Teacher] thinks he’s got problems, (mm) and
other people thinks he’s got problems, so, I suppose in a way my mum was, I suppose
another adjective for my mum’s relationship with me would be ‘protective’.
Because, you know she, perhaps she saw that um, she might even have thought to herself,
problem equals genius.
(right) Cos I’ve always thought um, genius is a very subjective
word, it doesn't necess- it doesn’t mean, really smart, necessarily, it can mean other things
like um, you see things differently. Like I do, like Asperger's people do. Um, so, the way,
a sens-, a sensitive characteristic, or characters can develop, uh, how, how y- you know
how you move your body by flicking your fingers, it's just your creativity then let it be.

(OK) So, she might have been protective in that way, and my dad as well. [2] Cos um, my
dad always says that he doesn’t know things, basically, he keeps on saying things like um,
nobody told me about this,
(right) that you’ve got on Tuesday, nobody told me that you
were going to London on Wednesday. Um [2] but my mum, my mum ret-, retaliates by
saying um, you should know them anyway, you don’t need to find out from people, you
should know what’s happening with your children. You know that's, that maybe have been
another thing which um led to the conflict between my mum and my dad, and eventually
their split-up.______________________________________________________________________________________

Participant classified as preoccupied__________________________________________________

Q6. [2] Don't know. [3] I don't think I cried very much. (mm) I do r- I rem- cos I remember
occasion when I when she'd been particularly nasty to me,
(mm) and um, and w- my sister
and I were both in bed and I was crying, and, my sister went down to, to tell my mother
the, that I w- that I was crying, and I think she came back and ap- and I think she came up
and actually apologised. Which made me cry more than ever.
(right) But again I d- but
again it's something I don't know w- I don't know whether it actually happened or whether
it's something I dreamt or fantasised.
(sure) [2] Um but uh but, as for what else I did when
I f-, what did what did I do if I, [2] I don't know. I really can't remember what I used to do


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