Note that Assumption 2 guarantees that the matrix Vr,m is a.s. nonsingular.
Xk - RRTkc(1)C(1)TR J'4RqT,C(1)Xk, Yk = RTC(1)C(1)tXj,J'÷Rr(1) Y,,
and using the result of Andersen, Brons and Jensen (1983), it follows straightforwardly from
Lemma 4:
Theorem 1. Let λ1 ,m ≥ .. ≥ λq,m be the ordered solutions of the generalized eigenvalue problem
defA λ λ(B +n 2A 1)1 = 0,
|_ m mm m 7J ’
and let λ1,m ≥ ... ≥ λq-r,m be the ordered solution of the generalized eigenvalue problem
where the X*i ’s and Y*j ’s are i.i.d. Nq-r(0,Iq-r). Ifzt is cointegrated with r linear independent
cointegrating vectors then under Assumptions 1-3, (λ1 ,m ,..,λq,m ) converges in distribution to
In order to show how fast (λq-r+1 ,m ,..,λq,m ) converges to (0,....,0), observe from Lemma
4 that
n RR τA RR t(B +
∖ m f ∖ mm
n2A l)RRtA R^'1
m 7 / ∖ m f
R Rn-2a 1 r)'2Rt(B
∖ m f ∖ × m
+ n -2a l)RRn -2a^1r) *
m 7 / ∖ m f
D (O
Moreover, it is easy to see that the solutions μj,m of the generalized eigenvalue problem
i +n-2A-1)R∣RtaR'ɪ -μI
det -J-R tAR RR t(Bi
m m 7 / ∖ n * T T