The name is absent

Which implies
δ [Bk + 2c] = k δ-φ ——c[Bkr + 2Xcr + r2 + σ22
or equivalently

- σu1 ] - 2δr

c = k 1 - b - r 1 - Φ Γχ--ʌ) - 21-φ(xC-^c) [Bkr + 2Xcr + r2 + σ22 - σ2ι]

2 Lδ _l L σv ) _l 2σv σv )

Proof ofProposition 6 For all values of parameters B, k, r, δ, and σv, there exists a critical level
c such that an increase in the variance σ2u decreases the optimal loading c.

Proof: First, we will show that using the above parameters the optimal loading c = Xc σv. Using
the proposed
c in the equation that implicitly defines c we get

- φ (⅛

φX- )

2σv ∖ σv j

[Bkr + 2Xcr + r2 + ∆σU ]

= Xc - σv - k [■ - B]

+ r [1 - Φ(1)] + -1-φ(1)[Bkr + 2χr + r2 + ∆σU]

= χ l^σv + r,(1)1 - σv - k Γ1 - BI + r [1 - ф(1)] + J_φ(ι')[Bkr + r2 + ∆σl]
L      σv      J            2 Lδ J                        '2σ,∙

v [1 - b] + 2σv - 2v[1 - ф(1)] - φ I bKr + r2 + ^U]        k Γ1   _l                  1              2      2

= ----"------------------z--σv - Ô U - b + r [1 - ф(1)] +,(1)[Bkr + r + ^U]

2σv                                         2 δ J                   2σv

= k [1 - b + σ - r[1 - Φ(1)] - ɪφ(1)[bKr + r2 + ∆σ^] - σ - k [1 - B + r [1 - Φ(1)] + ɪφ(1)[Bkr + r2 + ∆σ^]

2 δ                             2σv                                2 δ                        2σv

= 0

The first line is the equation that defines c. The second line uses the proposed c = χc σv. The
third line factors out X
c before the fourth line uses the expression for Xc.

Second, to get ddc^, totally differentiate the above equation that implicitly defines c to obtain

1+ r ,, (χc-cʌ - ɪ φ (χc-cʌ [Bkr + 2Xcr + r2 +∆σU]) de

I σv σ σv J 2σv ∖ σv J                           J

+ I r[Xc2 c] φ (χc---k - y12φ (χc---k [Bkr + 2Xcr + r2 + ∆σ'2] - [X; 3 c] φ' (χc--c^ [Bkr + 2Xcr + r2 + ∆σU] v

I σ2      σv  J 2σ2  ∖ σv  J                                2σ3     σv J                           J



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