who need help with reading also need tuition
in Maths so the experiment this year is
to draw the remedial department into mathe-
matics teaching so that they become a bit
like primary school teachers - which is
the essence of the thing, giving the chance
to integrate - the other bit of it is there's
so the Maths
have got
to work
some of the Mathematical needs in Human-
ities as well -
Undoubtedly the tutor’s continued familiarity with the school has
produced a wealth of knowledge and equally a way of seeing and
interpreting the shcool that is consonant with the tutor’s position
. . 12
and concern as an educationist. In the next extract the tutor
gives a rationale and support to the group for finding their own
place in the school which emp⅛Hsises how much knowledge they can
gain through a wide and active participation.
School A 6.11.81 P8 eiii
SSl ..... Oh, first a couple of us discovered
that there’s no school on Tuesday.
RE Because it’s parents' evening - new and
prospective parents.
But we're welcome to help theι
the evening.
That’s nice if they’ve invited you - it
will be good to see how they talk with new
parents. I know they’re desparate to have
people help with displays.
SS3 Visiting Tutor said he wants lots of help
with his walls.
I’m helping with the
on Tuesday
- all the corridors
and classrooms - the
children love seeing
their stuff on the
wall no matter how old
they are.
Tutor Do take the opportunity to go when the school
asks you to. Schools differ so much in
the way they handle new parents and the
sorts of discussions they have about how