The students are pulled back
by the force of their own experience
be experience which leaves a feeling of acute help-
although it may
lessness .
What they find in the
ay bear no relation
to their
own practical capacity or to opportunities offered within
their school.
In the next extract the ideas put forward may be sound
but they have
a hollowness that
dispelled by

of her own likely incompetence. Here it is clear that the experience
of Jeffcoate however soundly based does not readily translate into
guidance for students on teaching practice.
School C
22.1.82 Pl⅛ ri
Surely we feel just as strongly as
Maureen Stone that
there is something schools
do or are for kids
that is important.
Does she believe that there's a socialisation
policy available - a policy of resocialisation
- I think she catches onto that quite early
- but I think one positive strategy is
Jeffcoates *
any subject
is tenable.
open door policy - he allows
to be asserted,
any racist remark
Let’s have the whole scenario
put forward and after that you have every
possible viewpoint, every viewpoint that
wants to be expressed and there’s no sup-
pression - he doesn't believe in suppressing
- I mean he’s a sort of personf ication of
liberalism - let the
National Front
in and have a chair if
they want one - we’ll
listen to their side of it as well.
That side of it I think I would find coping
with that sort of situation very frightening.
I don’t think you should ignore it but at
the present time I don't think I agree with
saying today let's talk about racism because
I think kids would probably be saying what
they think you want them to say - but actually
tackling the problem

encouraging it to come
out as Jeffcoate seems to say
actually ter-

It scares me stiff because I
think in that situation you've got to be
sure you can cope with it - you've got to
be really sure it's not just a time when
they're going to air their prejudices and
that's going to be it - I think you've got
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