The name is absent


they teach which would be impossible
for them to acquire for themselves

on teaching practice and what may influence professional decisions

which they have to take in relation to that practice.

Students need

both to observe and become a part of



practice and


often involves

in decisions

about what not

to do and when

not to act with the sense of future possibility that has to do with


term planning.

This aspect of teachers' work is most difficult

to tackle within the confines of PGCE time and structure. With the

visiting tutor the sense of its importance comes through. Perhaps

юге often than the demands of teaching practice

seem to allow for

sensible decisions require students to proceed slowly if indeed at
all in certain areas. In the next extract there is an example of
this where the visiting tutor has been talking about the selection
of fiction for the integrated studies course illustrating this with
The Trouble with Donovan Croft (Ashley 1979)

School A 9.2.82  P7∕8 ei

My immediate reaction is that it’s a nice

way to approach a problem - head on rather

than this bringing in pictures
back door as it were, pretending
doesn’t actually exist - that’s

through the

the problem




We haven’t seen it picked up - I’ve seen
children reading it but it wasn’t picked
up on in that particular lesson. I’ve
confidence in the teacher who we heard reading

that but in that context there were tremendous

problems with discipline and instead of asking
them to write worksheets this was another


of getting theɪ


But having seen

him in assembly this morning - I mean the
kids have now acted out the third world
problem and it was beautiful - the power
and arms and thinking about what’s wrong
- so there will be many other times in that

class's time that you can confront that.

Your remark that

it's very difficult to work

with that I agree but the fact that it comes
out in school all the time.

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