Method / 108
4.4.2 The Codebook
Columns 1 to 4 are the case identifiers:
Column 1 - Fumber of TARGET CHILD - TCF - From 01 to 20
Column 2 - Fumber of COFVERSATIOFAL SEQUEFCE -CSF- From 01 to last F
of Conversation per TC
Column 3 - Fumber of UTTERAFCE - UTF - As in the original transcripts
Column 4 - Fumber of UTTERAFCE IF THE CS - UCF - From 01 to last F of
utterance in CS
Columns A to G are the Variables considered in the coding. For each
variable, a brief description and examples for its Values (on the left
hand side) are given.
Column A - SPEAKERS - SPK -
1 = Adult addressing the Target Child
2 = Target Child addressing an Adult
3 = Target Child addressing another child
4 = Child other than the TC addressing the Target Child
5 = Child addressing an unidentified speaker
6 = Adult addressing an unidentified speaker
7 = Target Child addressing an unidentified speaker
8 = Child other than the target Child addressing an Adult
9 = Adult addressing a child other than the Target Child
0 = Speaker unidentified