Xetbod / 112
2.2 / 7.2 = SeekZgive explanation of a phenomenon per se, independently
of who carries on the action (generalizations), as in:
CS 13.04. 08 and 09
08 Keighbour And what's '7'? (2.2)
09 !.Child it's 'sete* [in Portuguese! (7.2)
3.1 = Seek the performance of an action by the hearer
3.2 = Seek permission to perform an action
3.3 = Solicit attention
4.1 = Seek clarification, non-specific request, ex: 'what ? huh ?•
4.2 = Seek clarification, request for repetition of a particular word,
i.e.: ’get that chair* 'that what ?’
4.3 = Seek clarification, specification asked but no guess attempted,
i.e.: 'give them the biscuits' *to whom ?'
4.4 = Seek clarification, specification asked by guessing the possible
answer, i.e.: 'where did you get this ?* 'the thread ?’
8.1 = Give Clarification, total repetition of the previous utterance
8.2 = Give Clarification, reduction, repetition of part of the previous
utterance, as in:
CS 14 06. 01 to 03
01 Aunt That sugar cane that was inside here,
was it taken? (1.2)
02 !.Child where [was it!? (4.3)
03 Aunt here! (8.2)
8.3 = Give Clarification, elaboration, repetition of previous utt. with
added information, as in:
CS 06.08. 23 to 25
23 !.Child If you want I can fetch it to show it to you
24 Aunt the skirt you're talking about? (4.4)