Xethod /116
Example 1: CS 03.02
Column 4 - Яо.of Utter.in CS
Column B - CQHTEIT
c□ι. c - DYKAMic of Imteractiqh
Column D - Fuhctiqh
Column E - FORM
coi,F-Imfqrmatiqh value
03 Q2 0527 Ol__4 11 1 12 3 2 0
Speakers: Georglna (Target Child), her mother, and R.(another child).
Context: Georglna has just come back from the market.
Afternoon, In the yard near Georgina's house.
03 02 0527 Ol
R. (Child) I wonder what they've got
(for sale) at the shop
03 02 0528 02
Mother At the co-op?
03 02 0529 03
R. (Child) Fes
4 1 11 12 3 2 0
Child to Target Child
Utterance constitutes a turn
Request Move initiates a unit
and a CS
Seeks information, hypothesis
Open interrogative
Real question
Hon applicable
9 1 0 44 0 0 0
Adult to child
Utterance constitutes a turn
Unsolicited contribution
Seek Clarification, guessing
Hot applicable
Mot applicable
Mot applicable
8 1 5 85 0 0 1
Child to Adult
Utterance constitutes a turn
Request Move, request repeated as