2. The Evolution of the Plan for Researching
and Writing the History of Anglo-Indian
Schools from the Fifteenth to the Twentieth
3. The Seven Methodologies studied
by the Researcher...........................168
4. The Survey Mode for Empirical Research......171
5. The Research Question.......................173
6. The Available Resources, the Time Scale and
Sample Frame: Constraints on the
Design Decision.............................175
7. An Overview of the Sample Population........190
8. Conclusions.................................194
9. Notes and References........................197
Chapter 6 - Issues of Size and Ethnicity
of the Anglo-Indian Community
in India - 1990
1. Introduction................................203
2. The Empirical Data: Size and Ethnicity
of the Anglo-Indian Community...............204
3. The Relevance of Size and Ethnicity
to Education................................218
4. The Post-1947 Ethnic Anglo-Indian:
The Advantages of Accepting Other Backward
Classes and Scheduled Tribe Status among
Anglo-Indians in Kerala and Meghalaya.......220
5. Conclusions.................................23 6
6. Notes and References........................240