5th and 8th grade pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of the relationships between teaching methods, classroom ethos, and positive affective attitudes towards learning mathematics in Japan


Figure 4.3.3: Comparison between teachers of both teaching age groups; a sense of

PW = Practical work, UC = Using a computer, RT= Reading a textbook, TE = Teacher explanation,
IW = Individual work, IH = Individual help, WD = Whole-class discussion, GD = Group discussion

A sense Ofprogress

There was no significant difference in the teachers’ perceptions of the extent to which
sense of progress was promoted by different teaching methods (See Figure 4.3.4).
Individual help and Individual work were seen as the most supportive of a sense
of progress.

Figure 4.3.4: Comparison between teachers of both teaching age groups; a sense of


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