Table 4.3.6: Comparison between 5th and 8th graders: enjoyment (2)
5,h graders ________ __________ |
8ltl graders____________________________ | ||||||
N______ |
Mean |
SD |
N |
Mean |
SD | ||
Individual Work______ |
t= 7.317, df≡3633, Sig.<.01 |
1479 |
2.92 |
1.32 |
2156 |
3.24 |
1.26 |
Individual Help_________ |
t= 12.154, df=3626, Sig. <.01 |
1472 |
-∑44 |
T23 |
2156 |
~∑97 |
~T32 |
Figure 4.3.6: Comparison between 5th and 8th graders: enjoyment
□ 5th graders
□ 8th graders
PW = Practical work, UC = Using a ∞mputer, RT= Reading a textbook, TE = Teacher explanation,
IW = Individual work. IH = Individual help, WD = Whole-class discussion. GD = Grouo discussion
The results of Independent t-tests detailed in Table 4.3.7 and Figure 4.3.7 show that 5th
graders were more likely to perceive that Practical work, Using a computer, Reading a
textbook, Whole-class discussion and Group discussion promoted motivation than 8th
Table 4.3.7: Comparison between 5th and 8th graders: motivation (1)
5th graders_____________________ |
8th graders_______________________ | ||||||
N |
Mean |
SD |
N |
Mean |
SD | ||
Practical Work_______ |
t=13.671, df=3626, Sig. =<.01 |
1479 |
3.26 |
1.34 |
2149 |
2.66 |
1.29 |
Using a |
t=8.824, df=3020.635, Sig.<.01 |
1476 |
3.33 |
T50 |
2147 |
^^∑90 |
^T39 |
Reading a |
t=7.614, df≡2995.652, Sig. <.01 |
1476 |
“277 |
~T28 |
2142 |
-245 |
ТЇ7 |
Whole-class |
t=16.250, df≡3626, Sig. <.01 |
1479 |
Тїз |
^T24 |
2149 |
“247 |
ТЇ9 |
Group Discussion |
t=10.344, df=3239.884, Sig. <.01 |
1479 |
^^342 |
^T24 |
2148 |
~∑68 |
^L28 |