5th and 8th grade pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of the relationships between teaching methods, classroom ethos, and positive affective attitudes towards learning mathematics in Japan


5th graders reporting higher difficulties perceived that positive affective attitudes were
promoted by all the teaching methods except for
Using a computer and Individual help
less than those with fewer difficulties. They also perceived less frequent deployment of
Reading a textbook, Teacher explanation, Individual work and Whole-class discussion.
8th graders with higher levels of difficulty perceived positive affective attitudes promoted
Reading a textbook, Teacher explanation and Individual work less and less frequent
deployment of these teaching methods. This suggests that pupils experiencing more
difficulties are less engaged in learning mathematics by any of the teaching methods
used in their mathematics classes.

5th graders who perceived higher levels of friction perceived at least some aspects of
positive affective attitudes were less promoted by
Reading a textbook, Teacher
explanation, Whole-class discussion
and Group discussion, although they perceived a
greater sense of progress promoted by
Using a computer. 5th graders’ perceptions of
friction in mathematics classes did not seem to affect their perceptions of the frequency
of deployment of teaching methods. 8th graders’ experience of friction did not seem to
affect their perceptions of the impact of different teaching methods on affective attitudes,
but 8th graders with higher friction scores perceived less frequent deployment of
This might be because pupils, especially 8th graders, overall perceived little
friction in mathematics classes.

5th graders feeling higher competitiveness in mathematics classes perceived that at least
some aspects of affective attitudes were promoted more by
Using a computer and
Individual work. Deployment of these teaching methods was perceived as greater than
by those with lower competitiveness scores, while they perceived less frequent
deployment of
Individual help. 8th graders reporting higher competitiveness scores in
mathematics classes perceived at least some aspects of positive affective attitudes were
promoted more by
Reading a textbook, Teacher explanation, Individual work and
Individual help, while they perceived more frequent deployment of Using a computer and
Individual help (see Table 7.3.3; Appendices 7.3.1-7.3.10).


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