5th and 8th grade pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of the relationships between teaching methods, classroom ethos, and positive affective attitudes towards learning mathematics in Japan



I select the teaching method according to the pupils’ understanding of the
learning content. This is because they may not be fully involved in activities
if such activities are not well matched with their understanding level. Full
involvement in activities, in turn, will promote pupils’ understanding. So, I
think it is important to adopt different teaching methods in the introductory,
middle and conclusion stages, even in one topic.__________________________



I adopt various teaching methods to explain one problem. I think explaining
the problem with several teaching methods can promote the understanding
of the pupils who are poor at mathematics. They may not understand the
learning content from my explanation, but they may understand through
practical activities. Therefore, teaching them through a single teaching
method is not sufficient._______________________________________________________



I normally explain the learning content to the pupils and ask them some
questions. But, this routine teaching method is not enough in a unit the
pupils feel unfamiliar with. I employ activities to inspire their interest in the
content, make them read a textbook, take time to explain the content and
give them questions to ensure their understanding, make them do
exercises and increase opportunities to provide individual support. Then
their understanding of the new unit is well promoted.______________________



I believe that pupils come to learn mathematics by whatever teaching
method is often used and they have good experiences such as
experiencing approval or coming to understand through that teaching
method. Therefore, I don’t think it a good idea to select a single teaching
method at elementary school level. Rather, they should experience various
teaching methods._____________________________________________________



Pupils prefer the teaching method which they are accustomed to and with
which they have had a good experience. Therefore, pupils’ preference for
teaching methods is changeable. I think it is important to employ various
teaching methods in mathematics classes so that I can deal with such



I’ll try to adopt different teaching methods across classes so that the pupils
can maintain their motivation to learn mathematics. I sometimes ask them
how they want to deal with a problem. I let them choose the learning
method. Naturally, they are motivated to learn.______________________________


I employ various teaching methods in one class. Preparing several
activities in one lesson promotes pupils’ enjoyment, motivation and



Pupils’ mathematical attainments and learning speed are quite different in
the classroom. Employing various teaching methods in mathematics
classes can make pupils have a sense of accomplishment, understanding
and satisfaction._______________________________________________________________


Different pupils seem to have different values, even if they have similar
mathematics attainment, ɪ don’t think all of the higher achievers prefer
abstract thinking and lower achievers need some tangible materials. Some
higher achievers prefer concrete thinking, while other higher achievers are
fond of abstract thinking. Employing various teaching methods in
mathematics classes is important to meet such differences.________________

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