The name is absent


I wish to acknowledge the advice, support and encouragement
of my supervisor, Dr. Chris Mullard, and of Professor Kevin
Marjoribanks who gave so generously of his time to read, and
comment on, the text.

It is impossible to thank adequately Sister Judith Redden of

my religious community for her never failing support and for endless
hours of proof reading; and that other community of which I feel
a part - Strelley. The marrngu and whitefellas there gave so
generously of their time and themselves and taught me so much in the
course of the project.

Without exception, all the school personnel and ’reality definers,
interviewed did all in their power to make the project possible.

I acknowledge my debt to them all; and finally to those who

typed the manuscript - Julie Tonkin, Loretta Barr and Shirley Hughes.

xxi і Γ

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