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• Table Page
34 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statements 31 and 16 - autonomy
. for people as a group............................. 411
. 35 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
. response to Statement 32 - strain towards
negative identity................................. 414
36 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statements 41 and 33 - functional
constancy within the family............ 416
37 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statements 46 and 34 - attitudes
to family......................................... 417
38 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statements 4 and 39 - feelings
of being a non-person............................. 419
' 39 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statement 24 - the confirming
of identity by others............................. 421
40 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
; response to Statement 14 - strain towards
' withdrawal......................................... 423
41 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
v response to Statements 2, 6, 30, 9, 20, 28 -
. strain towards withdrawal in the school situation.. 424
42 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statements 53 and 48 - housing ........ 430
43 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statement 17 - religion as an
idential........................................... 432
44 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statements 42 and 40 - command
of English......................................... 433
45 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statements 60 and 23 - physical
appearance as an idential.......................... 435
46 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statement 50 - nickname as a
derogatory idential................................ 437
47 Comparison of Aboriginal views with regard
to the role of the mother in the society of
Aborigines, Aboriginal self, Australians .......... 440