19 Comparison of typifications of Aborigines
by non-Aboriginal students - Port Augusta
High, Augusta Park, Taperoo, Salisbury North...... 360
20 Aboriginal typification of ’Australians’ - .
comparison across all institutions................ 362
21 Aboriginal typification of Australian
Aborigines - a comparison across the
institutions studied.............................. 367
22 Aboriginal typification of the self - Port
Augusta, Augusta Park.................. 370
23 Aboriginal typification of the self - S.A.I.T..... 372
24 Non-Aboriginal response to Schedule II
Statements 5, 56, 10.............................. 376
25 Statements relating to Vietnamese - non-
Aboriginal response - theorizing about multi-
culturalism ...................................... 378
26 Schedule II ’theorizing' statements relating
to the location' of Aborigines in the Australian
’world’ - comparison of non-Aboriginal
institutional responses........................... 379
27 Comparison of Aboriginal and Hon-Aboriginal
response to Schedule II statements referring
to multiculturalism.......... 385
28 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Schedule II statement referring
to the location of Vietnamese in the
Australian ’world*................................ 386
29 Schedule II statements referring to the
location of Aborigines in the Australian
’world’ - a comparison of Aboriginal and
non-Aboriginal response........................... 387
30 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statement 3 - trust∕distrust.......... 403
31 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statements 38 and 45 - prediction
of future ......................................... 404
32 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statements 7, 26, 29, 18, 54, 36 -
expectation of rejection........................... 406
33 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
response to Statements 22 and 52 - individual
autonomy........................................... 409