48 Comparison of non-Aboriginal view of the
role of the mother in Aboriginal society
and Australian society............................ 441
49 Comparison of non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal
view of the role of mothers in Italian
households........................................ 441
50 Comparison of views of Aborigines on Aborigines
in general and Aboriginal self..................... 442
51 Comparison of views of Aborigines and non-
Aborigines on the characteristic of ’being
aware of the needs of othcrs∕put self and
family first’ ..................................... 443
52 Comparison of views of Aborigines and non-
Aborigines - waste money∕generous with money....... 444
53 Comparison of Aboriginal view of Australians,
Italians, Aborigines, Aboriginal self - other
things more important than money∕money and
possessions important.............................. 445
54 Non-Aboriginal view’ of Australians, Italians,
Aborigines - other things more important than
money.............................................. 447
55 Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
views of success................................... 449