Table Page
1 Origins of Aboriginal people at Port Augusta....... 57
2 Survey sample - High Schools ...................... 68
ʒ Schema of research project showing the
relationship between theoretical framework,
research questions and methodology................. 85a
4 Number of appearances of Aboriginal children
before the Children's Court, Port Augusta,
1979-1980.......................................... 316
5 Comparison of the 'worlds' of the institutions
studied............................................ ʒʒl
6 Non-Aborigines stcreotyrpe Aborigines............... 338
7 Characteristics which best describe Aborigines -
non-Aborigines view................................ 339
8 Non-Aborigines stereotype 'Australians’ ........... 340
9 Characteristics which best describe 'Australians’ -
non-Aboriginal response............................ 341
10 Non-Aborigines stereotype Italians ................ 342
11 Characteristics which best describe Italians -
non-Λboriginal view................................ 342
12 Aborigines stereotype Aborigines in general
compared with stereotyping of Aborigines by
non-Aborigines..................................... 344
13 Items not stereotyped by Aborigines, having
more than one-third support........................
14 Aborigines stereotype Aboriginal self.............. 346
15 Characteristics which best describe Aboriginal
self compared with characteristics which best
describe Aborigines in general..................... 347
16 Aborigines stereotype 'Australians’ ............... 350
17 characteristics which best describe 'Australians’... 350
18 Aboriginal stereotyping of Italians compared
with non-Aboriginal stereotyping of Italians........ 352