Land Police in Mozambique: Future Perspectives

Land Administration and Management Policy

3.5 Land Administration issues

GOAL 4: Development of Land Administration Capabilities

The Land management will support the Land Administration specifically providing information and data
acquisition for establish a National Land cadastre in Mozambique to guarantee land tenure and security and
important aspects will be addressed are gender related issues because the women are the most involved with
the land. Dinageca will encourage the participation of women in all related technical activities through the
training of female.

To Development of Cadastral Capabilities, DINAGECA will:

- Carry the Implementation of Land Legislation, simplifying the adjudication and titling process, to
guarantee land authorization in real time (90 days);

-   Promote inspections of geography and cadastre to control the exploration plan and taxation.

-   Implement the GIS and LIS to support the Land cadastre, which have to be used for multi-proposes.

Using Intranet, the SPGC’s (Provincial Services) and other sectors will providers information to

- Continue promote inter and intra coordination with institutions involved in adjudication process;

- Promote the Private Land surveys, taken the Outsourcing Program.

3.6 Institutional issues

GOAL 5: Development of institutional Capabilities

In addition to ensuring the adequacy of institutional arrangements before moving towards large-scale titling
initiatives, the DINAGECA experience also highlights the importance of making sure that the land administration
infrastructure established through project interventions will be sustainable in the longer term.

The autonomization will be support to DINAGECA became sustainable in terms administrative, finance, human
resource and promote directly the process of development of SPGC’s

To Development of Institutional Capabilities, DINAGECA will:

- Improve the “R&D - Research and Development” and ”IT - Information technology” to support
institutional reform and development.

- Improve Market and Information activities oriented to the customer needs, market needs and change.
Will be improved Internet and Intranet. The implementation of price table of Products and Service will b
crucial. Specific study regarding Market Plan will be done.

- Improve management tools (Planning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation). Will be developed Systems
(computer user applications) to support sections computerization;

- Support specific Study for SPGC development (scenarios of Development of Provincial Services and
Local Services).

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