Land Administration and Management Policy
3.3 Macro-Strategic Policy
The Macro-Strategies are addressed to macro-Institutional changes and inter-institutional strategies of
coordination and cooperation.
GOAL 1: Provision of Intra-Institutional Policy
- Definition of baselines for development of Geography and Cadastre Services;
- Provision of integration of Services and Products and respective structures of Development at
DINAGECA, SPGC’s and Stakeholders (Customers).
- Definitions of Macro strategies of institutional reform.
GOAL 2: Provision of Inter-Institutional Policy
- Definition and establishment of DINAGECA mission outside - Market plan orientation.
- Definition of legal framework, mechanisms and procedures to provide Geo-information necessary to
support establishment of infrastructures, territorial Planning, Municipal management and development
projects - GIS/LIS (collaboration, coordination, partnership, outsourcing, etc.)
The Market Strategy will provide necessary support developing information systems and management.
3.4 Land management Issues
So that mean that if the land is potential for any activity its value is high with positive impact in the productivity
(see that the land will be appropriate allocated for exact propose), and if is low that land will be used for other
propose and not for agriculture. In this way will be possible to indicate where is the appropriate land for
agriculture using land mapping.
GOAL 3: Development of Land Management Capabilities
To Development of Cartographic capabilities, DINAGECA will:
- Establish the necessary geodetic framework for surveying and mapping in Mozambique by supporting
training programs of the national staff in different fields of geodesy;
- Establish a number of reference stations across the country to be using Real Time kinematics
positioning (GPS) for cadastral purposes. Following the Government policy of outsourcing cadastral
related activities, these reference stations will be available to private land surveyors even with little
knowledge of GPS technology given that does not require complicated post-processing, thus speeding
up the land concession and titling;
- Establish the basis for development of digital data technologies for quick acquisition of digital data
(digital ortophotomaps and digital mapping) building up the National Land Cadastral Systems and
National Topographic Mapping Series at suitable scales;
- Introduce necessary mechanisms to use Satellite image for map actualization.
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