The Values and Character Dispositions of 14-16 Year Olds in the Hodge Hill Constituency

10 Appendices

Appendix 1 - School Profiles

School A Profile

The DCSF achievement tables had the school with 26% of students achieving 5 A*-C
grades including English and Mathematics against the national average of 46%. The 5
A*-C category had the school at 64% as against the national average of 61%.

The school places an emphasis on moral values and positive character development.
Posters and visual materials around the school reinforce the school’s character-building

Mission statement/Aims

‘Our aim is for young people to learn in an orderly, caring community to achieve
individual success. Our pupils want to succeed. Dedicated, experienced staff plus superb
facilities give every pupil the opportunity to aim high.’

Sixth Form

There is no sixth form provision at Park View.

School B Profile

The DCSF achievement tables (2007) had the school with 24% of pupils achieving 5 A*-
C grades including English and Mathematics against the national average of 46%. In the
5 A*-C category had the school at 50% as against the national average of 61%.

Mission statement/Aims

Our school will be an exciting, well ordered and caring learning community, where all
pupils and staff work together to discover and develop their talents and skills and where
the learners of today become the leaders of tomorrow.’ A central theme for the school is
that of ‘unlocking potential’:

‘Unlocking Potential of our Pupils

We develop a desire for lifelong learning and self-improvement. We celebrate
achievement, excellence and progress.

Unlocking Potential by our Curriculum

We develop, for our pupils, a broad, balanced, personalised and inclusive curriculum,
which delivers outstanding outcomes.

Unlocking Potential by our Partnerships

We build positive relationships between pupils and staff. We develop robust
partnerships with parents, carers, business and the community.

Unlocking Potential by our Environment

We provide a safe, well ordered, caring and stimulating learning environment for
all that is at the cutting edge of innovation.’


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