School D Profile
The college is a large secondary school with over 1400 pupils between the ages of 11 and
18. The school is a diverse community with pupils and staff from many countries,
cultures and backgrounds; one of the school’s successes is the integration of these groups
within the school community.
The DCSF achievement tables had the school with 33% of pupils achieving 5 A*-C
grades including English and Mathematics against the national average of 46%. The 5
A*-C category had the school at 38% as against the national average of 61%.
Sixth Form
The sixth form averages 56 pupils each for Year 12 and 13 based on figures for 2007.
The average score per student was 389.3, which equates to two full A level grades of D
and E.
School E Profile
This is a small school with self-proclaimed strong community values. Ofsted describe the
school’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development as outstanding. The school has
a good record of academic achievement and a strong pupil voice (Youth Parliament and a
Young Journalist Team). The DCSF achievement tables had the school with 46% of
pupils achieving 5 A*-C grades including English and Mathematics against the national
average of 46%. The 5 A*-C category had the school at 59% as against the national
average of 61%.
Central to the ethos of the school is the Every Child Matters government initiative with
aims for children listed as:
• Being healthy
• Staying safe
• Enjoying and achieving
• Making a positive contribution
• Achieving economic well-being.
Mission statement/Aims
‘As a small family school, we know and care for every child. We genuinely value and
strive to enhance working partnerships with our families and our local community,
knowing that in those partnerships lies our greatest strength and best hope of raising
achievement and aspirations of all our children to ensure that we are really educating
tomorrow’s women today’.
Sixth Form
There is no sixth form provision at this school.