Intro Qualities of Family and Role Models Specific to Local Area
What are participants’ definitions of good character and appropriate values for the
21st century?
1. What role models can you think of that you look up to? They can be anyone.
If you can’t think of anyone immediately work with the person next to you and tell
What qualities have they shown in their actions?
What have they done that convinces you to look up to them?
2. Growing up where you live what makes a successful person? (Someone who
has got it sorted).
What sort of qualities do you think that successful person will have?
How easy or difficult is it do you think, to be this successful person in Hodge Hill?
Explain/be specific. What problems does Hodge Hill present? Give examples
behind views
3. In your eyes what do you think are the qualities that might make a good
rather than a successful person?
(eg. friendly, caring, compassionate, loving, honesty, trustworthy, reliability,
determination, confidence, good looking etc).
Is there a difference between the successful person and the good person?
What is that difference? Can you describe it?
Qualities of the Individual
What feelings would they have (in their heart) when they find the wallet?
What in the behaviour or actions of a person shows you that they are, say, an
honest ... person? Can you think of some examples?