The Values and Character Dispositions of 14-16 Year Olds in the Hodge Hill Constituency

School F Profile

The DCSF achievement tables had the school with 17% of pupils achieving 5 A*-C
grades including English and Mathematics against the national average of 46%. The 5
A*-C category had the school at 75% as against the national average of 61%.

Mission statement/Aims

The Hodge Hill Sports and Enterprise College is an 11-16 co-educational school serving
a wide area to the north and east of the centre of Birmingham. It is an 8-form entry school
with approximately 1186 pupils on roll. In addition we run sixth form provision

The school serves a rich and diverse area with pupils coming from some 50 different
feeder schools. Liaison with feeder schools is very strong and goes well beyond transfer
arrangements. In many respects the school reflects the ethnic and cultural diversity of the
City of Birmingham. Some 56% of pupils come from ethnic minority communities —
this group is constituted of 46% from a broadly Asian background, 10% black/Afro-
Caribbean backgrounds while a further 6% come from a dual heritage background. Its
pupils span the range of socio-economic status, though significant proportions come from
homes suffering some disadvantage. At present 30 % of pupils qualify for a free school

Sixth Form

The school launched Sixth Form provision in September 2006, on a franchise basis in
partnership with Sutton College. There are no sixth form results available.


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