Sixth Form
The Post 16 Centre is a specialist building on the main school site. Over 30% of all year
11 pupils stay on at the centre. The pupils are offered course at levels 1 to 3 in either
vocational or the traditional A level route. DCSF tables show that the sixth form averages
40 pupils each for Year 12 and 13 based on figures for 2007. The average score per
student was 435.8, which equates to two full A level grades of B and C.
School C Profile
This is a small school with around 600 on roll. It has an Excellence in Cities Learning
Centre with state of the art ICT provision. In terms of results the DCSF achievement
tables had the school with 38% of pupils achieving 5 A*-C grades including English and
Mathematics against the national average of 46%. The 5 A*-C category had the school at
54% as against the national average of 61%.
The school has been granted a determination lifting the requirement for broadly Christian
worship for all pupils. This has been replaced by collective Islamic worship and a
separate assembly for those children whose parents wish them to be withdrawn.
Mission statement/Aims
‘We encourage high standards of social, moral and ethical behaviour with a continual
emphasis on respect for all respect for the individual, respect for the learning
environment and respect for the community.
‘We strive to give all pupils opportunities to enable them to develop as effective learners.
We value the strengths of each young person and encourage and foster the acquisition of
knowledge, understanding, skills and values relevant to the challenge of an ever-changing
world. To support this commitment we emphasize the importance of promoting,
celebrating and recognising achievement in all its many forms.
‘We believe in the concept of partnership; working together with parents, governors and
the community to ensure that every child fully participates in school life—supporting the
school in its vision of offering the very best in educational opportunities.’
Sixth Form There is no sixth form provision at Park View.