Chapter 4
kaolinite decreases as betaine 13 concentration increases. This indicates that
adding betaine 13 only makes kaolinite more oil-wet. The decrease is Slowerthan
CsTAB. Cationic ion Ofbetaine 13 can Interactwith naphthenate. In the absence of
naphthenate, betaine 13 will adsorb on the negative surfaces of kaolinite and
make them more oil-wet. If the system contains naphthenate, cationic ion betaine
13 will interact with naphthenate and form ion pairs, which can make kaolinite
more water-wet.
Caprylamidopropyl betaine (ppm)
Figure 4.10 Water-wet fraction of kaolinite adding different amount of betaine 13
at pH 8.3