Chapter 4
negative. Thus zeta potential change per unit addition in synthetic brine with Ca/
Mg (20 mV∕mM) is greater than that in the brine without Ca/ Mg (15 mV∕mM). Effects of silicates
Silicate has two effects on the zeta potential of kaolinite. Adding silicate can
increase the pH of the brine, which can make zeta potential of kaolinite more
negative. Silicate can also adsorb on the positively charged sites -AOH2+, which
can also make zeta potential of kaolinite more negative.
In synthetic brine, positively charged sites -AOH2+ can adsorb HSiO3' or
H3Siθ4- ion and become neutral sites. Eqs. [4.42] - [4.47] give the surface
reaction and equilibrium equation. Here only the adsorption of HSiO3' or H3Siθ4'
ion is considered, because the concentration of monovalent ion is much higher
than other silicate ions with higher valency.
-AOH2 +HSiO3 f÷ -AOH2HSiO3
hsi°3 [AOH2 X (HSiO3) [AOH2 ]<¾ (HSiO3 )exp(-)
-AOH2+H3SiO4 4≡ -AOH2H3SiO4
H’s-°< [AOH2 ]tzʃ (H3SiO4) tAOH⅛(H3SιO4)exp(⅛
σ0 =e([AOH2]-[AO']-[B])