Chapter 5
Law, sedimentation rate of water and solid in diluted bitumen with N/В ratio 4.0 is
8.1 times faster than that with N/В ratio 0.7. Effects of silicate
Figure 5.19 shows the photographs of brine in diluted bitumen (dilution ratio
0.7) 24 h emulsion samples (pH 9.1) with 4×10'4 M silicate adding 200 ppm
demulsifiers PR3 to PR6 at 80 0C. The separation results are better than the
sample without silicate in Figure 5.17.
Control PR3 PR4 PR6 PR6
Figure 5.19 24 h emulsion (N∕B 0.7) adding 200 ppm demulsifiers and 4×10^4 M
silicate at 80 0C, pH 9.1
Figure 5.20 shows bar diagrams of residual water/ solid content in oil layer
and solid distribution in different layers of 24 hours emulsion (dilution ratio 4.0)
adding 200 ppm demulsifiers PR6 and PR6 with different amounts of Na2SiO3. The
red and black dashed lines show the desired residual water and solid content in
oil (2.0% and 0.9%, respectively).