The name is absent


f if дг has a falling transition when path Pz

λr(Pz√) = <

is stimulated by a rising transition;

r otherwise.

Similarly for a falling transition,


aPj(⅝λf(Pj,gi),gilgi = bj



f if gi has a falling transition when path Pz

ʌʃ(^i>C - * is stimulated by a falling transition;

r otherwise.

To write Equations 4.7 and 4.8 in a compact form, we define matrix A and
measurement vector
b and variation vector 1 as follows.

aPι(X)ζλr(Pι,gι),gι ■

aP2 (.l)‰r(P2,g1),g1    ∙

•   aP1{^')ζ^r(P1,gN),gN

•   aP2(-^)ζλr(P2,gN'),gN

A =

аРм (l)ζλr(PM,gι),gι ∙

0iPm (N)ζλr(PM,gN'),g1

aPi (ɪ)ɑʃ(pɪ,gi),gi ∙

■  ар^КхЦр^ ,9 N

θiP2(^)ζλf(.P2,g1'),g1    ■

•   αP2(^)^λ∕(P2,gjv),9N

a⅛(l)ξλ∕(PM,3ι),9ι ∙

a⅛ (^)^λ^(P⅛r,3N),9W 2


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