The name is absent

4.4 Sorted wavelet coefficients....................... 48

4.5 The variation estimation error for various regularization factors λ. 51

4.6 Optimization curves for various measurement errors......... 55

к                                                               '

4.7 An example of a circuit with sensitizable and Unsensitizable paths. 56

6.1 Singular values of the measurement matrix............. 68

6.2 Variations estimation error vs. percent of the power measurement
noise................................... 69

6.3 Variation estimation error vs. number of power measurements. . . 70

6.4 Singular values of the measurement matrices............. 74

6.5 Variation (delay) estimation error vs. measurement error...... 77

6.6 Variation (delay) estimation error vs. the number of measurements. 79


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