Performance - Complexity Comparison of Receivers for a LTE MIMO–OFDM System




The Theoretical Complexity of the Receivers as Numbers of Arithmetic Operations

Fig. 9. Data transmission throughput versus SNR in a 2 × 2 system in a highly
correlated channel with the modified tree search.

Fig. 10. Data transmission throughput versus SNR in a 2 × 2 system in a highly
correlated channel with the simplified LLR calculation.

close to the hand-coded results with small designs. There can
be more difference with large designs.

The FPGA complexity results are presented in slices, 18-kbit
BRAM and dedicated DSP slices. The DSP slices include
an 18 × 18-bit multiplier. The VHDL from Catapult C was
synthesized to a Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA with Mentor Graphics
Precision Synthesis. The ASIC results are presented in gate

Fig. 11. The top-level architecture of the 2 × 2 K -best LSD.

equivalents (GE) and power consumption estimates. The Syn-
opsys Design Compiler was used in synthesizing the VHDL
along with the UMC 0.18 μm complementary metal oxide
semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The Synopsys Prime-
Power was used for obtaining the statistical activity power
estimates for the implementations.

A. K-BestLSD

The A -bcst LSD receiver includes the QRD block, the
∕√-bcst LSD block and the LLR calculation block. The QR
decomposition block is based on the QRD algorithm from
[30]. Ordering of the channel matrix is not utilized in the
architecture. The top level architecture of the TT-best LSD for
a 2 × 2 antenna system is shown in Fig. 11. The 4×4 antenna
system LSD is based on the same architecture but four more
PED calculation blocks and sorters are added to the design.

The А-best LSD architecture is modified from [20]. A2× 2
and a 4 × 4 antenna system with a real signal model [31] is
assumed. The received signal vector y is multiplied with ma-
trix Q in the matrix multiplication block. Matrix R is mul-
tiplied with the possible transmitted symbols after the QRD
is performed, i.e., when the channel realization changes. Eu-
clidean distances between the last symbol in vector y' and pos-
sible transmitted symbols are calculated in block PED1 in a
2×2 antenna system with d(x2) =
∣∣3∕4 — rfT,4∣∣2. The resulting
lists of symbols and Euclidean distances are not sorted at the
first stage. The distances are added to the Euclidean distances
) = 112/3-(/33+/34)112 calculated in the PED2 block. The
lists are sorted and
K partial symbol vectors with the smallest
Euclidean distances are kept. PED3 block calculates d(x2) —
llî/2 - (r2,2 ÷ r2,3 ÷ r2,4)l2 which are added to the previous
distance and sorted. The last PED block calculates the partial
Euclideandistances c∕(x2) =
∣∣^ — (rɪ 1 ÷∕i^2 ÷r1,3÷r1,4)l2.
After adding the previous distances to d(x2), the lists are sorted

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