Denis Belomestny and Markus Reiβ
6 4ε-2
∖ψT,r (u
- i) |2T2 ∣F(μr
— μro )( u ) 12( u4 + u 2) 1 d u
1Fψjkо (u) |2u 4
= ε-22-j(2s+5)
IF ψ (j )( v ) |
Hence, for 2j (2s+5) ~ ε2 with a sufficiently large constant the Kullback-
Leibler divergence remains bounded and the asymptotic lower bound for μ
7.2. Lower bound for γ and λ in the case σ = 0
Let us start with the lower bound for γ . We proceed as before by perturbing
a triplet T0 = (0, γ0, μ0) from the interior of Gs (R, 0), but this time we only
consider one alternative T1 = (0, γ 1, μ 1) and choose the perturbation in such
a way that the characteristic function φτ (u — i) does not change for small
values of |u|. For any δ > 0 and U > 0 put
γ1 := Y0 + δ, Fμι(u) := Fμo(u) — δi(u — i)e-u /U , u ∈ R .
Then the function μ 1 is real-valued. Moreover, the martingale condition (4)
is satisfied:
γ 1 + F μ 1(0) — F μ 1( i ) = Y 0 + δ + F μ 0(0) — δ — F μ 0( i ) + 0 = 0.
Because of
∖∖μ 1s )
μ(0s)∣∣∞ 6 2π f ∣u∣s∣F(μ 1 — μ0)(u)∣ du < δ f |u|s+1 e u2/U2 du
-∞ -∞
we get kμ1s) — μ0s) ∣∣∞ < δUs+2 and even better bounds for ∖∖μ1k) — μ0k) ∣∣^2,
k = 0,...,s. It suffices to choose U ~ δ1 /(s+2) small enough to ensure
that T1 still lies in our nonparametric class Gs (R, 0). The basic lower bound
result (Korostelev and Tsybakov 1993, Prop. 2.2.2) then yields
inf suP E γ,μ [|Y — Y| 2] & δ 2,
γ (0,γ,μ)∈Gs(r,0)
provided the Kullback-Leibler divergence between T1 and T0 remains asymp-
totically bounded. As in the lower bound proof for μ, in particular using
F(μ 1 — μ0)(i) = 0, we obtain
4 f∞ I^0,t(u — i)12T2|i(γ 1 — γ0)(u — i)+ F(μ 1 — μ0)(u)12 d
ε2 L00 (u4 + u2) u
2δ2 ∞ |i(u
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