Spectral calibration of exponential Lévy Models [1]

Spectral calibration of exponential Levy models ??


F ( O) -O )( u ) F ( O) -O )( v )2

Λ                                     ~~                                               ~~                                     ɪ-"

IIF(Oi - O)H4oo + E[F(O - Oi)(u)F(O - Oi)(v)12],

which together with estimates (30), (35) yields that (40) is bounded in order


-U -U

+ E hlll X δkδiεkεiFbk (u)Fbi (v)lll i´

u 4 WU ( u ) v 4 WU ( v )

κ(u)2κ(v)2    du dv

U U       N                       4U 4U

u W (u)v W (v)
∆    ∆8 + ∑ δkδj Fbk (u) |2 Fbl (v) |2 ----σ ( V) ( σ( ) du

U -U   k i 1                                 κ(u)2κ(v)2




u4WU (u)    2 U N 2        2 u4 WU (u)    2

(\2 d u + / δLFδbk F bk ( u ) 12   (22 d u

κ(u)2              -U k=1               κ(u)2

8U4+4U4δi22 E(m2axU2)2.

Putting all estimates together and using U .-1 as well asδi22 . δi2
we obtain (32) and consequently the rate for σ2 .

6.4. Upper bound for γ and λ

Since the claimed risk bound for γ is larger than for σ2, we only need to

estimate the risk of γ + σ2- instead of that for γ. Equally, we can restrict
to λ
- σ2— γ instead of λ. Then the proof follows exactly the lines of the
proof for
σ2, the only difference being the different norming in estimate
(30) giving rise to a factor
U for γ and a factor U2 for λ. It remains to
note that we obtain the bounds in the compound Poisson case by setting
σ = σmax = 0 and considering the continuous extension of the bounds for
that case. For
γ we obtain as bias

F μ ( u ) WU ( u )d u . U - ( s+2).


The linear error term is estimated by


E -U L(u)WγU(u) du .E(2U2) U24+U∆δi2


and the remainder satisfies



R(u)WγU (u) du .E(m2axU2)28U6+4U6δi22 .


For λ we obtain the same asymptotic error bounds as for γ, but multiplied
U when regarding the root mean square error. With the rate-optimal
choice (23) of
U this gives the asserted risk bounds for ^ and λ.

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