Technological progress, organizational change and the size of the Human Resources Department

(aAdξ-α μE⅛. β (1 -δ)
'•■            к       1+ β -

1 a

1 - βδ . l sa.

1 + β - 2βδ   }

a (ξ + n + θ) ξ

1 a θ

ξa Z an
ka (ξ + n + θ) - ξ)



( aAd A!α e (—-a-а, l i——s μβ ι'1 - δ1 - βδ) 'a
key                  к (1+β - 2βδ)'2 J

1—a—θ         n                               1 a θ

(a (ξ + θ) - ξ) «a (an)aξ (a (ξ + n + θ) - ξ) aξ

From (24) we then have:

(1 - a) A (hTL)-α (1 - ρ)1-α nα

w = (1 - a) A (e 1b 1 + β - 2βδ 1 +1 β -β2βδ l   (1 - a (ξ + aη + θ) -ξ

aaAd a


a(1 a)     а (1 а )

E (1—s)(i—a) L èα

a(1 a)

μ β (1 - S)(1 - βδ) a

к (1+ β - 2βδ)2 )

a(1 а— θ)         an                              a(1 -a-θ-η)

(a (ξ + θ) - ξ)     a   (an) (a (ξ + n + θ) - ξ)   

w = (1 - a)

aad a

, ξ        a(1 ξ)      a(1 ξ)

Aξa E(1 δ×ξa) L ξa

μ β (1 - S) (1 - βδ) ⅛⅛2
к (1 + β - 2βδ)2 )

ξ a(ξ + θ)         an                                a(ξ + n + θ) ξ

(a (ξ + θ) - ξ)  ξa   (an)aξ (a (ξ + n + θ) - ξ)   ξa

From (30) we have:


A (hTL)1-α (1 - ρ)1-α nα

β (1 - S)

nξ (1 - ρ)) ρn

aaAd ξ-a

’к O

a(1 a)     a (1 a )

E (1 δ×ξ a) L ξ a


1 - βδ l    α μ  _ an \    '

+ β - 2βδ   J y a (ξ + n + e) - ξj

a(1 a)

μβ (1 - S) (1 - βS) \ —

к (1 + β - 2βδ)2 )

a(1 a θ)         an                                a(1 a θ n)

(a (ξ + θ) - ξ)  ξa  (an) ~ξ (a (ξ + n + θ) - ξ)   ~ξ   +

ξ                                                                       ξ(1 a)

1 aaAdλ ξa E(1 ξ δ1)(a ) )lξξ1a) ββ (1 - S) (1 - βδ)k ξa
d ξ /                    \ (1 + β - 2βδ^ )

ξ(1 a θ)          ξn                                 ξ(1 a θ n)

(a (ξ + θ) - ξ) ξa   (an)aξ (a (ξ + n + θ) - ξ)   aξ

μ1__an       θ μ an \n

к a (e + n + - ξ) ka (e + n + 0) - ξ


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