Reference |
Data |
Explanatory variables |
Agencies |
Methodology |
Cantor and Packer (1996) |
Cross-section, 1995, 45 Countries |
Per capita GDP, GDP growth, Inflation, current account surplus, government budget surplus, debt-to-exports, economic development, default history |
Moody’s |
Linear transformation of the data. OLS estimation. |
Monfort and Mulder (2000) |
Panel, 1995-1999 (half-yearly), 20 emerging markets |
Debt-to-GDP, debt-to-exports, debt service-to-exports, debt reschedule, reserves, current account surplus, real effective exchange rate, export growth, short-term debt share, terms of trade, inflation, growth of domestic credit, GDP growth, government budget surplus, investment-to-GDP ratio, per capita GDP, US treasury bill rate, Spread over T-bonds, regional dummies |
Moody’s |
Linear transformation of the data. Two specifications: static (OLS estimation of the pooled data) and dynamic (error correction specification including as regressor the previous rating and several variables in first differences) |
Eliasson (2002) |
Panel, 1990-1999, 38 emerging markets |
Per capital GDP, GDP growth, inflation, debt-to-exports ratio, government budget surplus, short-term debt to foreign S&P reserves ratio, export growth, interest rate spread |
Linear transformation of the data. Static specification and both fixed and random effects estimation. Dynamic specification. |
Hu, Kiesel and Perraudin (2002) |
Unbalanced panel, 1981-1998, 12 to 92 countries |
Debt service-to-exports ratio, debt-to-GNP ratio, reserves to debt, reserves to imports, GNP growth, inflation, default history, default in previous year, regional dummies, non- industrial countries dummy |
S&P |
Ordered probit on pooled data. Two scales: 1-8 and 1-14 |
Afonso (2003) |
Cross-section, 2001, 81 countries |
Per capita income, GDP growth, inflation, current account surplus, government budget surplus, debt-to-exports ratio, economic development, default history |
Moody’s |
Linear, logistic and exponential transformation of the data. OLS estimation. |
Alexe et al. (2003) |
Cross-section 1998, 68 countries |
Per capita GDP, inflation, trade balance, export growth, reserves, government budget surplus, debt-to-GDP ratio, exchange rate, domestic credit-to-GDP ratio, government effectiveness, corruption index, political stability |
S&P |
Linear transformation and OLS estimation. |
Canuto, Santos and Porto (2004) |
1998-2002, 66 countries |
Per capita GDP, GDP growth, inflation, government debt to receipts, government budget surplus, trade to GDP, debt-to- exports ratio, economic development, default history |
Moody’s Fitch |
Linear transformation. OLS, fixed effects and first differences estimation. |
Borio and Packer (2004) |
1996-2003, 52 countries |
Per capita GDP, GDP growth, inflation, corruption perception index, political risk index, years since default, frequency of high inflation periods, government debt-to- GDP ratio, debt-to-exports ratio, others |
Moody’s |
Linear transformation of data. OLS regression of average credit rating including year dummies as regressors. |
Bissoondoyal- Bheenick, Brooks and Yip (2005) |
Cross-section 2001, 60 countries |
GDP, inflation, foreign direct investment to GDP, current account to GDP, trade to GDP, real interest rate, mobile phones |
Moody’s Fitch |
Estimate a ordered probit with 9 categories |
Bheenick (2005) |
1995-1999, 95
countries |
Per capita GDP, inflation, govt financial balance to GDP, government debt-to-GDP ratio, real effective exchange rate, export to GDP, reserves, unemployment rate, unit labour cost, current account to GDP, debt-to-GDP ratio |
Moody’s |
Estimate an ordered probit using two scales 1-21 and 1-9 for each year individually. |
Butler and Fauver (2006) |
Cross-section 2004, 93 countries |
Per capita income, debt-to-GDP ratio, inflation, underdevelopment index, legal environment index, legal origin dummies |
Investor |
OLS estimation. |