The name is absent


SS2 Letting them see our school Reports is a bit
lɪkθ .....tot's sυch an intimate thing for

the school/ see what we felt about them. I
mean I think they should see them.

(Voices together)

I don't know how many peooleɔ should see it.

I don't mind VisitingZseeing it. I wouldn’t
like anyone to see it - if I just thought
it was going to be visiting tutor.

SS2 Yes.

SSl Well he’s trusted us ..... therefore I think

it’s a reciprocal thing.

Well maybe I think he should see them - I


much of my Report is based

on people

he asked to come in.

This proposal points to the high value they place on the visiting
tutor’s work on their behalf but equally it underlines the students’
awareness that their views and those of the school may be divergent.
This will be discussed in more detail later but here the need for a
space to develop and explore differences is suggested. It is apparent

that making course work available to teacher tutors or to the school
more widely might have critical implications for the nature of the
work and its value for the students. School group tutors, although
formally assessors of the work, have tried over time to empahsise
their consultative and supportive function here.

Perhaps the logical

next step is for students to play a key role in the assessment of
teachers. Students are involved in assessing themselves and what
goes on in the Institute as well as in the school. Here they comment
on a lecture (on the Education Course) that they have just attended.


and the values of their work

enabling them

to become

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