It has been suggested that it is not the issues of* the content that
is different for the Alternative Course rather the way of working
and in the next extract it can be seen that the main course and in
particular the general lecture often fails to engage the students
in issues however relevant they might be. Here the topic is the
Aims of Education which is an issue that is basic to education and
yet one that student teachers sometimes pay perfunctory attention
і V School A 14.5.82 Pl ei
I thought
it was too much
about aims and not enough
context of particular kinds
in general talking
putting it in the
of schools.
..... I don’t know whether you took notes
- if you didn’t his book (White 1982) is
probably the best way back to a lot of his
ideas. He seemed to me to be saying a lot
about programmes like Social Education and
a tremendous lot about the Medway book -
Finding a Language (1980) - it's a very con-
temporary definition of what it is to be an
autonomous learning person and to have that
aim in education and it’s written in a totally
different way to the way John White was
talking this morning. It is actually situated
in a particular school with a particular group
of people but it’s very explicit on what that
autonomy might
in practical terms.
That was what was missing from the lecture
wasn't it - it was too schematic, wasn't it.
Yes, it was Scheniatic but it seems to me that
it works if you’ve got a body of practice
which you can then apply it to and think it
out in your own
that the whole
terms and it did seem to me
Social Education things. and
its relationship to other areas of the curri-
culum - it might give us quite a bit of
clarity in thinking about that for next week
go back and think
the contradictions
it over
those terms
and confusions within
a school in terms -,of
for pupils which is
what it is setting out
sort of
thing we shall be getting into.