The following examples of
assertions in the text.
And he wylle δ∞t man freogc
æfterhis dæge æleno wɪtefæstne
man δe on his tɪman forgylt
wære. — Archbishop Ælfric,
Butan ðæt heo wylæ be ðinre
gepafunga t⅛et man freoge on
æleum tunæ ælene wɪtepeownæ
ɪɪɪann ðæ under hiræ gepeowud
wæs.—Queen Ælfgyfu. 1012.
Dæt is rest, ðæt ic gcann
6aet man gefreoge telcne wɪte-
fæstne man, <5e ic on sprecc
ιihte.—Æftelstân Æfteling.
And beυn heora mann frige
æfter heora beira dæge. —
Durstan, 1049.
Manumission are illustrative of the
And it is his will that ye shall
manumit, after his life, every
convict who has been ruined by
crime, in his time.— Cod. Dipi.
No. 716.
Except that she wills, with
thy permission, that they shall
manumit, in every one of her
farms, every convict who was
reduced to slavery under her.—
Cod. Dipl. No. 721.
Firstly, I grant that they
shall free every convict whom I
got in suits.—Cod. Dipl. No.
And let their serfs be free,
after both their lives.—Cod.
Dipl. No. 788.
Dimidiam vero partem hominuτn qui in memorata terra sub
Servitute degunt Iibertate donavimus.—Cod. Dipl. No. 919.
Geatflcda geaf freolsfor Godes
Iufaqforheorasiiwlapearfe, ðæt
is Ecceard smi<5, y Ælstan y his
wɪf, 4 eall heora ofsprinc boren
Geatflæd freed, for God’s sake
and for her soul’s need, namely
Ecceard the smith andÆlfstan
and his wife and all their ofl'-
■j unboren ; 4 Arcil 3 Cole, ,j
Ecgferδ Eadhunes dohter, ^j
ealle Sa men Sa heénon heora
heafod for hyra mete, on Sam
yflum dagum. Swa hwa swa
Sis awende 1 hyre sawla Sises
bcreafie, bereafigc hine God
ælmihtig Sises Iifes ∙j heofona
rices : T sy he awyrged dead "j
cwic aa on écnysse. And ode
hcô Iiafa2Sgefreod ¾'a men 2Seheo
]>ingede æt Cwæspatrike, 2Scet is
√Elfwald, ∙j Colbrand, Ælsic, ɔ
Gamal his suno, Eddred Trcde-
wode uj Uhtred his steopsunu,
Aculf *j Durkyl J Ælsige. Hwd
Se heom Sises bcreafie God æl-
mihtig sie heom wrdS 4 sancte
CiiSberht. — Geàtjlœd ; about
And ic wille Sæt aile mine
men bén fré on hirdo and on
tune for me and for So Se me
Her BwutelaS on Sisse Cristes
bée iSæt LeofcnoS, ÆgelnéSes
sunu æt Heorstiine, hæfS ge-
boht hine "j his ofspring ût æt
Ælfsige abbod ,j æt eallon hi-
rede on BaSon, mid fif oran and
mid xii hedfdon sceapa, on Ledf-
spring born and unborn ; and
Arcil and Cole and EcgferS Edd-
hun's daughter, and all the men
who bent their heads for food in
the evil days. Whoso shall set
this aside and deprive her soul
of this, may Almighty God de-
prive him both of this life and
of the kingdom of heaven ; and
be he accursed, quick or dead,
for ever and ever. And she
hath also freed the men for
whom she interceded with Cos-
patrick, namely Ælfwald, and
Colbrand, √Elfsige and Gamal
his son, Eadrcd Trcdewood and
Uhtrcd his stepson, Aculf and
Thurkill and Ælsigc. Whoso
dcprivcth them of this, may he
have the wrath of Almighty
God and Saint Cuthbcrt.—Cod.
Dipl. No. 925.
And I will that all my serfs
bo free, both in manor and
farm for my sake and the sake
of them that begot me.— Cod.
Dipl. No. 931.
Here witnesseth in this book
of gospels, that LeofenoS, √E‰1-
noδ,s son of Harston, hath
bought out himself and his off-
spring, from abbot Ælfsige and
all the brotherhood at Bath,
with five ores and twelve head