Table 6.8: Resettlement schemes, 1986-1990
Province |
Name of scheme |
District |
Number of plots |
Central |
Katikulula State Farm |
Serenje |
442 |
Copperbelt |
Lukanga North |
Ndola Rural |
563 |
Eastern |
Mtirizi State Farm |
Petauke |
316 |
Chipangali State Farm |
Chipata | ||
Luapula |
Mansa Block |
Mansa |
90a |
Chitondo State Farm |
Kawambwa | ||
Lusaka |
Kasenga |
Lusaka Rural |
292 |
Northern |
Mpika State |
Mpika |
576 |
North-Western |
Solwezi State Farm |
Solwezi |
323 |
Southern |
Masasabe State Farm |
Namwala |
337 |
Western |
Kalumwange |
Kaoma |
310 |
a. Figure covers area demarcated in both districts in the province.
Source: National Commission for Development Planning, Economic Report, 1990.
VI. Present administration of settlement programs
A department of resettlement in the office of the prime minister was formed in 1989 to
facilitate the government's program of settling the unemployed and the retired that resided in towns
at the time. As the responsibility for settlement programs have now been assigned to the office of the
vice president, the department is also now under the vice president's office. The department was given
statutory powers on settlement in "The Statutory Functions, Portfolios and Composition of
Government" (Gazette Notice no. 46 of 1992). As yet, however, it has been assigned a number of
responsibilities including:
► devise a suitable land settlement policy and procedural guidelines;
► identify, appraise, and select suitable sites in conjunction with district authorities;
► initiate the survey and planning of the sites;
► coordinate all resettlement activities;
► mobilize resources; and
► supervise implementation and monitor projects in the settlement areas.
According to officials in the Department of Resettlement, 50 percent of land in current
schemes is demarcated in plots less than 10 hectares, which are allocated to smallholders who are
unable to provide for themselves. Four families are normally settled to one well or borehole. Another
35 percent of the land is allocated to demarcations 10-20 hectares in size. The remaining 15 percent