Novelty and Reinforcement Learning in the Value System of Developmental Robots

6. Conclusions

In this paper, we developed a low level value sys-
tem for a developmental robot. Both simulation and
real-time experiments are reported. The value sys-
tem integrates the habituation mechanism and re-
inforcement learning. We successfully applied the
system to simulate visual attention effect. Our SAIL
robot learns to pay attention to salient visual stim-
uli while neglecting unimportant input. Motivated
by psychology studies in instrumental conditioning,
we integrated reinforcement learning with habitua-
tion so that the robot’s responses to certain visual
stimuli would change after interacting with human
trainers, that is, cognitive development of the robot
takes place. Even though the low level value system
modeled some adaptive behaviors in animal learning,
what we accomplished is still one step towards the
challenging autonomous mental development. Our
next step is to implement the SHM (Stagger Hierar-
chical Mapping) (Zhang et al., 2001) method to do
local analysis and apply the framework to vision-
based outdoor navigation.


The authors would like to thank Wey S. Hwang for
his major contribution to an earlier version of the
IHDR program and Yilu Zhang for his contribution
to the Q-Iearning algorithm. The work is supported
in part by National Science Foundation under grant
No. IIS 9815191, DARPA ETO under contract No.
DAAN02-98-C-4025, and DARPA ITO under grant
No. DABT63-99-l-0014.


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