The name is absent



High traffic density The sotl-request controller has the lowest ATWT value
(343.94) for
θ = 110. For this θ it has also the lowest TWQL (1457). Figure 5.6
on the previous page gives the lowest ATWT values for very low
θ or big values
θ. For θ = 5, the traffic lights are switching very fast because the threshold is
reached immediately. It is more useful to take a bigger
θ because the green times
will be longer and the best results are found. The length of the waiting queues is
the lowest (1457) for
θ = 110 and the highest (1864) for θ = 50.

Map 1 LD RequestATWT

Figure 5.7: Map1- low density - Request control - ATWT

Low traffic density The best ATWT for the request controller at low traffic
density is given for
θ = 50. This gives a value (ATWT) of 30.92 and no waiting
road users in the queues. The highest value is given for
θ = 20 with an ATWT of
54.72. (see figure 5.7)

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