The name is absent

Chapter 3

1 - φemul exPΛ-) "(I" φemul ) 6XP(-Γl)
l,emul                              ^L,oil

=> Calculate 7]еши/ [3.37]

In Figure 3.17, the red dash-dotted line is the calculated amplitude value of
emulsified water from calibration. This the lower bound of the amplitude for the
system. Similarly, the pure oil amplitude is the upper bound of the amplitude for
the system. Values below or above these bounds can be considered as fully
saturated water or clean oil, respectively.

The parameters A~, 7-1,water. 7"ι.0i, and 7^ι,emu are known from calibration. T↑
values, emulsion data for Ae∏ιu. and Eq. [3.34] can be used to calculate the water
fraction. Eq. [3.34] can be simplified as follows:

4≡∕ (ɪ) = Λ [1 - φ0u (ɪ) exp(⅛ - φemul (ɪ) exp(-⅛

l,of∕                      l,emul                                  [3.38]

‰(*) + ‰m∕(z) = 1

4≡∕ (ɪ) = Λ [1 - Kater (ɪ) e^p(zɪ-) - ‰m∕ (z) exp(-⅛
!,water                      !,emu/                             [З.ЗУ]

In Eq. [3.38] and Eq. [3.39], Aemu, A-, tw and T↑ values are known.
Component fractions
φ can be calculated from the equation.

As indicated previously, the samples without PR5 contain only oil and
emulsified water drops. Eq. [3.38] can be used to calculate water fraction. In the
samples with PR5, emulsified water coexists with clean oil at the top. Eq. [3.38]


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