technology. As a result the circuit has a different power consumptions for each
input vector. Because of the process variation, the nominal power consumption
of the gate gu is scaled by φu. For example, if input 1, input 2, and input 3 are
0, 1, and 1, respectively, then the total power consumption of the circuit would
POU = Pg1,01Φl + Pg2,llΦ2 + Pg3,0003 ÷ Pg4,OO04
= 4.11201 + 15.1502 + 0.77603 + 17.4104, (3.2)
where p3i,b> is the power consumption of the gate gi for input b). Note that 5J∙, the
input of each gate tj⅛, is a function of input vector of the circuit that is denoted
by bj. For example, in Figure 3.2, if bj = 011 then bɜ = 00.
In a digital circuit with N gates, for the binary input vector bj, total power
consumption pbj is
Ph = ∑Pgi⅛Φi- (3.3)
If there are M input vectors bɪ,..., Ьм, define measurement matrix A as
Pgi ,bj Pg3,bj ■ ■ ■ PgN Λ{v
. Pgifi3 Pg2J>l ∙ ∙ ∙ PgNfi3
ʃl — .
7⅛ι⅛ ⅛,⅛ ■ ∙ ■ Pgxfiu
Also, let
P = ∖Pb1,Pb2, ■ ■ ■ ,PbM\T,