The name is absent

Figure 11. Within-Country and Between-Country Estimates of the Life Satisfaction-Income Gradient: Gallup World Poll

.5.              1.              2.              4.               8.              16.             32.

Real GDP per capita (thousands of dollars, log scale).

Source: Gallup World Poll, 2006. Sources for GDP per capita are described in the text.

Notes: Each round dot plots life satisfaction against GDP per capita for one of 131 developed and developing countries. The slope of the arrow represents the satisfaction-income gradient
estimated for that country from a country-specific ordered probit of satisfaction on the log of annual real household income, controlling for gender, a quartic in age, and their interaction.
Usable household income data were unavailable for eighteen countries. The dashed line represents the between-country satisfaction-income gradient estimated from an OLS regression of
the satisfaction index on the logarithm of real GDP per capita. GDP per capita is at purchasing power parity in constant 2000 international dollars.


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