The name is absent

We can write the cdf F and the quantile function F~1 corresponding to a skew
f of an X distribution using the cdf G and the quantile function G~1 of the
symmetric density. We have

F(x) =

for X < 0,
X > 0.

for the cdf and

f ⅛G^1 [(1 + κ2)⅞] for x < 0,
F~1(x) = < L        2J            ~

ɪ-κG~1 [(1 + κ-2)++ for x > 0,

for the quantile function. Moreover, the moments of order r, r = 1, 2,..., can be written

/.'r÷ ' 4- (~ ŋ

E(Xr) = 2E+(Xr)-------K~(r+1) ,

κ + ∑

where                                    oo

E+(Xr) = / xrg(x)dx


is the r-th moment of the symmetric distribution truncated to positive values. Clearly
E+(Xr) assumes the value of the r-th moment of the symmetric distribution divided
by 2 when
r is even.

On the basis of these formulations, we present the main characteristics of the dis-
tributions considered (for details see, among others, Ayebo and Kozubowski, 2003;
Lambert and Laurent, 2001; Palmitesta and Provasi, 2004).

Skew Student-t. A random variable X has a skew Student t distribution (SST) if the
к > 0 and v > 2 exist such that the pdf of X is



where Γ(∙) indicates the gamma fucntion. If к = 1, the distribution is symmetric on
zero and has zero mean and unit variance. The cdf of
X is given by

for x < 0,

for x > 0,

Γ(4±l) /     2∖- C + l)∕2


Tsst(«) =

t+)= ЛгД ι+- dw
J-00 √≡Γ(+ V V J

is the cdf of the unsealed Student t with υ degrees of freedom.

The moments of order r, r = 1, 2,..., of the SST distribution are:

and exist when v > r.

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