By the assumption that φ = γ, φ(Qi,Q-i) ∈ S(Qi,Q-i). Hence, fs(j) < fs(i) for all
s ∈ S and all j ∈ φ(Qi, Q-i)(s). From φ(Qi, Q-i) ∈ S (Qi, Q-i) and the definition of Q-i,
φ(Qi,Q-i)(i) = s. Similarly, φ(Pik, Q-i)(i) = s*. By definition of s*, φ(Pik, Q-i)(i) =
s*Pis = φ(Qi, Q-i)(i), which completes the proof for the case φ = γ.
Suppose φ = τ. For any s ∈ S define Is as the set of students j that are assigned a
seat through a cycle (in the TTC algorithm) of which school s is part and such that s
points to j . Formally,
I / ∕^∙∙S ∕^∙∙S ∖ / ∕^∙∙S ∕^∙∙S ∖ I
Is := {j∙ ∈ I : e ((Qi,Q-i),σ[(Qi,Q-i),j],sJ = j ∈ P ((Qi,Q-i),σ[(Qi,Q-i),j],s)∣.
From Observation B.1 and sQis = φ(Qi, Q-i)(i) for all s ∈ S it follows that for all s ∈ S,
i ∈ Is and |Is| = qs. Also, for all s,t ∈ S with s = t, Is ∩ It = 0. So we can define for
if j ∈ Is for some s ∈ S ,
j ∈ I\i,
Qj:={ 0
Since sQis = φ(Qi, Q-i)(i) for all s ∈ S it follows that fs(j) < fs(i) for all s ∈ S and all
j ∈ Is. From the definition of Q-i and the TTC algorithm, φ(Qi, Q-i)(i) = s. Similarly,
φ(Pk, Q-i)(i) = s*, which completes the case φ = τ and hence the proof. ■
Proof of Proposition 8.5 BydefinitionoftheDAalgorithm, |M (γ(Pk ))| ≤ |M (γ(P ))|.
We complete the proof by showing that if i ∈ M(γ(P)), then γ(P k)Riγ(P). (Since
γ(P) ∈ IR(P), γ(P k)(i) ∈ S. Hence, i ∈ M(γ(Pk)). But then M(γ(Pk)) = M(γ(P)).)
Let i ∈ M(γ(P)). Denote s := γ(P)(i) ∈ S. Suppose to the contrary that sPiγ(P k)(i).
Let Qi := s. By Lemma A.1, γ(Qi, P-i)(i) = s. By a result of Gale and Sotomayor
(1985b, Theorem 2) extended to the college admissions model (Roth and Sotomayor, 1990,
Theorem 5.34), Qi ranks γ(Qi, P-i)(i) weakly higher than γ(Qi, P-i)(i). So, γ(Qi, P-i)(i) =
s, contradicting the assumption that Pk ∈ E(P, k). So, γ(Pk)(i)Ris = γ(P)(i). ■
Proof of Proposition 8.6 In Example 8.3, γ(P) = {{i1, s1}, {i2, s3}, {i3, s2}} and
τ(P) = {{iι, sι}, {i3, s3}, {i2}, {s2}}. So, |M(τ(P))| = 2 < 3 = |M(γ(P))|.
In Example 8.4, γ(P) = {{i2, s3}, {i3, s2}, {i1}, {s1}} and τ(P) = {{i1, s2}, {i2, s3},
{i3,s1}}. So, |M(τ(P))| = 3 > 2 = |M(γ(P))|. ■