I: Introduction
First of all, could you explain the teaching pattern you adopt in
your mathematics classes?
II. Adoption Ofteaching methods in mathematics classes
Do you sometimes use practical activities in mathematics
classes? Please give me the reasons as well.
Do you use computer in mathematics classes? Please give me
the reasons as well.
Do you use the textbooks in mathematics classes? If so, how do
you use textbooks in mathematics classes? Please give me the
reasons as well.
Do you give pupils the opportunities to do practices individually
in mathematics classes? Please give me the reasons as well.
Do you give pupils different tasks according to their attainments
in mathematics classes? Please give me the reasons as well.
Do you adopt discussion in mathematics classes? Please give
me the reasons as well.
III. Promoting pupils’ affective attitudes towards mathematics learning
in mathematics classes
Do you think letting your pupils to enjoy learning mathematics is
Do you think it is important to keep pupils’ motivation to learn
mathematics high?